WebPageTest comparison URL generator
Quickly generate the correct URL for for comparing WebPageTest run data. It should also work with custom instances and SpeedCurve URL's.
Simply enter a set of test URL's (e.g. https://www.webpagetest.org/result/191128_E6_8f81ddf9ba2ba82ef814fff7baaa5005/) and click 'Generate URLs'. Two URL's will be listed:
- One for the filmstrip view (`/video/compare.php`).
- One for comparing run data via the graph page view (`graph_page_data.php`).
For the graph page view you'd usually click the 'Plot Full Results' link below a tests 'Performance Results' table on the summary page.
- 2022-03-09 - Removed the ability to customise colours.
- 2021-04-04 - Added ability to generate the graph page comparison URLs.
- 2020-10-08 - WebPageTest ID test is now more robust to cater for changing format in the future.
- 2020-05-04 - Added ability to show XXL size filmstrip thumbnails in the compare view.
- 2020-04-23 - Service worker added for offline functionality.
- 2020-04-22 - Added ability to remove URL's and control the text and background colour of the compare page.
- 2020-04-21 - Added advanced config options: label, specific run, specific step, end time, repeat view. Can extract ID's from tests with `details.php?` in the URL.
- 2020-04-20 - Added ability to reorder tests via drag / drop.
- 2020-04-19 - Add median metric selector.
- 2020-04-17 - Initial release.